Friday, March 19, 2010


I've been understanding most everything we've read in the past few weeks. But in chapter 40, I got a little confused. Pip mentions that Herbert was gone, but was he really gone a year, and in that time, where was Magwitch(Provis?)? This was around page 338.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Photo Post

Ideally, this picture would include a boy holding a fistful of money, and another boy, perhaps with a broom, and somehow showed how the man acts completely differently toward each of them, but as it is just a man cutting out a suit, you'll have to use your imagination.
But this man represents Mr. Trabb, and how his respect for people is coming from how full their pockets are, rather than their character or something good-hearted people might value. Mr. Trabb's attitude was completely reversed when Pip mentioned he had come across a great deal of money. This was further reflected when you noticed the contrast between his treatment of Pip and "his boy".